Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Sorting the Comments

Today in Cybersmart with Mrs Cameron we learnt about sorting blog comments. We looked at some comments and decided if they were positive or negative comments. To do this work we worked alongside a buddy on a collaborative document.

This task was made easier because we got to work in pairs and make changes on the same document at the same time. Have you ever done collaborative work in your class?

Monday, August 12, 2019

Array City

In maths we have been learning about using arrays to help us when solving multiplication problems.
We are exploring this through making array buildings which will all get put together to create an array city.

Here we are hard at work:

When we are done our array city will be up on display in our classroom, please pop in and have a look!

Our group expectations.

We have been working together to come up with our class expectations when working as a group. Have a look at what we have come up with.

Collaborative math expectations and group norms 

How do we work as a group? 
Respect each other, listen to each other
share/take turns
Look after each other as a family - if someone falls down with their maths we help pick them up like we would our little brother if he fell down 

How do we take care of our learning? 
Be drivers not passengers
Take risks
Don’t give up (you are going to get stuck but it’s how you get unstuck that matters)
Ask questions -  if you don't understand you need to ask questions, can't expect them to just explain everything 

How do we share our thinking? 
Using a loud voice
Using the word because
Asking if people have questions.

Are there any other ways that you find help you to work together productively in a group?