Sunday, June 30, 2019


We are well and truly in the midst of Autumn. Here at school we have been making the most of the abundance of leaves outside our classroom. We have been creating leaf piles and crunching through the leaves with our friends during breaks. We have also been using the leaves in class for our art. We created portraits of ourselves using leaves for our hair! To go along with our portraits we created diamante poems about Autumn.
Check out our finished work!


  1. This is good this reminds me of Autumn and making leaf piles

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hello room 12 and Mrs zandbergand I really liked how the autumn poems.bye bye room 12

  4. hello room 12 and Mrs zandbergand.I really liked how the Autumn poems is what it is like in Autumn.


  5. Hello room 12 my name is Ashlyn and I really like your Autumn poems it reminds me of Autumn too.Maybe you could do a poem for every season,Did you enjoy writing these poems?

  6. Hi room 12 it is Grace from room 12. I really liked your poems they are very interesting.bye .

  7. I enjoyed doing this activity because it remindes me of slippery leafs

  8. Hello room 12 my name is Lily and I really like your autumn poems they all really remind me of autumn. Maybe in summer or any other season you could make an other poem. Did you like writing this work ?

  9. I LOVE room 12 blog .
