Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Our tips for quality comments.

Today in our Cybersmart lesson with Mrs Cameron we were learning about how to comment in a helpful and thoughtful way.

I really enjoyed this lesson because we got to use a new website to create our own comic strips. It was fun and an easy website to use.
Do you have any tips that you use when you are posting a comment?


  1. Kia ora Room 12, I'm so glad to see you posting quality blog posts. I especially liked seeing everyone's tips in their comic strips. How else do you think you could use comic strips for your learning?

  2. i liked learning how to post a positive comment. i like posting commentts now i know how to do them right.why do you like to post comments?

  3. hello room 12 i think you did well on you blog post.i like how you put videos and tips in you post. do you like posting on your blog?

  4. i liked the videos they are relly going to help me

  5. Hello room 12 I loved your post.I wanted to know, Do you like posting on your blogs? Do you like having blogs?

  6. Hello, Room 12 I liked how you showed me tips to post a quality blog comment. Next time use more exciting colors to grab the reader's attention. This reminds me of when the time I made a comic about, how to make a quality comment.

  7. good job it is cool and you need to woke on it so move

  8. Hi Room 12 my name is William B. i think your Blog is cool because it's interesting. Do you like commenting?
