Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Learning in Lockdown

 Kia Ora Whanau, 

Room 3 have been doing some amazing learning during our current lockdown. Although we would all much rather be learning at school, we are making the most of our time by learning at home. 

I, personally, am taking time to learn names and identify learning strengths. It has been great to receive emails from whanau, welcoming me to Papakura Central School, these emails have made me feel extremely welcome as I begin this next chapter. 

Our bubble buddies have been a rich resource of information. Thanks to all the adults and siblings in our bubbles who keep us going and offer us support from baking to building; practising maths facts to reading stories- this support is helping Room 3 learners continue to learn while at home. 

Kia kaha, whanau! 

Mrs Erin Po-Ching

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