Monday, April 20, 2020

Lets get ready to Workout!

Hi Room 3,

It has been so neat watching all of your workout videos. Well Done on your creative activities and the use of what you have at home. I really like how lots of you have got your family involved in your videos with you! Sophia and I will be very busy trying out all of your workouts.
Have a look at a couple of the workout videos already completed.

There have also been some great Healthy snack ideas shared. Have a look at Hudson's healthy fruit muffin recipe below:
Fruit muffins Recipe

1 Cut up the fruit into small pieces
2 Put the yoghurt into the cupcake patties
3 Put the fruit into the cupcake patties on top of the yoghurt
4 We put some yoghurt on top with some raspberries and then we mixed it with a spoon
5 Then we put it in the deep freeze for 30 minutes

They sound delicious Hudson - I will have to try them out for my family!


  1. That sounds really yum Hudson, i will have to give that a try :)

  2. Yum Hudson. Healthy fruit muffins sound delicious. I will definitely be making these.
